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Bridging Worlds

Exhibition by XAARCHIVE
Curated by spazioSERRA
Reflection by Alberto Delorenzini


On display from 26/09/2024 to 26/10/2024
Opening Thursday 26/09/2024 at 19:00
Lancetti railway station, Milan

Bridging Worlds is a site-specific exhibition by XAARCHIVE studio (Sofia Lorenzo & Nayla Cefarelli), part of suMISURA, the exhibition season where selected artists analyze spazioSERRA, both as content and container. Here, the rules that constitute it are daily emphasized, exploited, deformed, remodeled, and sometimes annulled. The exhibition is on view from Thursday, September 26, to Saturday, October 26, 2024, at the Milano Lancetti train station.


XAARCHIVE, through the languages of installations and interior design, explores the boundaries between nature and artificiality, promoting the inclusion of all life forms as an essential element. Their works combine vegetal elements and organic materials with technological and aesthetic processes, creating a harmonious dialogue between the natural and the artificial. Environmental sustainability and regeneration are central to their research, which is expressed through repeated and remodulated projects depending on the space that hosts them.


XAARCHIVE brings to spazioSERRA a window into the future, where technology and nature coexist in a balance that is both wild and controlled. A near and plausible future, where the ground has become too hot to inhabit, leading humanity to use technology to survive and thrive by transforming excessive heat into an energy resource, turning a threat into an opportunity. It’s a future where we accept the untamable and the unpredictable, embracing the uncontrolled and spontaneous beauty of the natural world, recognizing its intrinsic, dramatic, and sublime design that takes us beyond the end of an anthropocentric era.


spazioSERRA hosts an underground environment filled with pipes, tanks and organic soil, where elements like fungi and aquatic plants freely proliferate. The structure is perplexing to those who observe it. In his reflection accompanying the exhibition, Professor Alberto Delorenzini wonders, “But what can grow here, in a glass-walled enclosure, artificially lit and housed within an underground space through which multitudes circulate? More so, why should anything grow? (...) However, in the most hidden places, in the least apparent stratum of life, fungi, mosses, or lichens probably grow, timidly claiming their space.” We also wonder who built the structure, who the inhabitants of this underground realm are—perhaps a futuristic iteration of humanity itself? And what has happened to the planet, making it necessary to grow our crops underground? Is it still possible to leave this train station and live outside safely?


XAARCHIVE’s response to spazioSERRA’s exhibition theme, suMISURA, is a rejection of the impulse to quantify, regulate, and measure, arguing that the path toward future innovation involves, to some extent, the ability to let go and create space for alternative forms of intelligence, different species, and the development of life in its multifaceted essence. In our human quest for a perfectly tailored daily life, we risk losing the spontaneity and unpredictability that make life truly interesting. Bridging Worlds invites the viewer to adopt a more fluid and adaptive approach to existence: by letting go of the need for control and measurement, we can open ourselves to a world rich with serendipity, complexity, and diversity. Through technology, humanity becomes a facilitator of the new future.

Bridging Worlds presents the hope of a possible future and the boldness to remain optimistic in times of crisis: What if, instead of resisting change, we adapted to it? What if we started thinking about what tools we have to live in this world rather than being overwhelmed by it?



Friday, October 25, 2024 @ spazioSERRA
An in-depth talk on the exhibition with XAARCHIVE and professionals related to the project’s themes.

XAARCHIVE - Nayla Cefarelli (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1997) e Sofia Lorenzo (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998)
XAARCHIVE is an architecture and design studio operating between Milan and Barcelona, founded in 2022 by Nayla Cefarelli and Sofia Lorenzo. Specializing in interior design and installations, their work explores the intersection of nature and artificiality. In their projects, they advocate for the inclusion of all forms of life, often incorporating vegetation and organic materials fused with cutting-edge technology and aesthetics. They have collaborated with international institutions, including the United Nations, Dutch Design Week Eindhoven, IAAC (Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia) Barcelona, FAO Rome, Next Nature Netherlands, Evoluon Design Museum, Centro Arti Visive Pescheria Pesaro, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Rea! Art Fair Milan.

Alberto Delorenzini, a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the University of Buenos Aires, is a renowned Argentine professor of Aesthetics. Since 1984, he has taught aesthetic theory in undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs at the National Universities of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, and Mar del Plata (1984 - 2007) and later at the Torcuato Di Tella University (2014 – 2022) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At this university, he teaches Aesthetics and Theories of Architecture, in addition to being part of the Thesis Project faculty team. He has published numerous essays on aesthetic theory, literary criticism, and film criticism.


Via Maloia, 1, 20158, Milan MI 


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